About the Journey

We understand what you’re going through. Our team at Anita’s Hope is here for you and your loved ones to provide guidance, information, and a strong support network. We believe that information is empowerment, and we’re here to provide you with just that throughout your journey.


Whether you need help looking for a caregiver, emotional support or financial resources, there’s a number of organizations that are wonderful resources. The National Ovarian Cancer Coalition has a very comprehensive website where you can find all this information.



Clinical trials aim to find new, innovative ways to treat cancer that aren’t yet available in the open market. Each clinical trial is its own highly controlled research study, working to answer essential questions regarding cancer treatment, outcomes, and cures. Women with ovarian cancer might have the option to participate in a clinical trial, which would enable the patient to receive cutting edge, experimental therapy options.


Who should consider participating in a clinical trial?

Women diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer should discuss options with their doctor and explore a route that might be beneficial for your diagnosis.


Anita’s Hope works hard to raise funds for established ovarian cancer research institutes and centers dedicated to advancing our knowledge of the underlying causes, researching effective treatments and finding a cure for the disease.

Join our community

Join us on Facebook and Instagram for information, volunteer opportunities, event updates and most importantly, to share information that’s been helpful to you and can inform our community in Western and Upstate NY.